Data & Model Versioning
What is MLOps? Why we need it? and what tools are available?
Why do we need Model Versioning?
I wrote a model 6 months back. I don't know where it is.
I wrote a model 6 months back. I don't remember what it is. Let me try to find it.
I got 80% accuracy yesterday. I swear.
Why do these problems exist?
Because conventional software engineering process does not work for Machine learning project
Unlike Software Engineering, Machine Learning involves trial and error and experimentation. We need a way to track these experiments.
GitHub is not enough
1. Data is huge and are often not in CSV itself
2. Model is huge. We need to store it better
Why should we care about it?
Businesses need an audit. Anything that doesn't have an audit or cannot reproduce results is not production-grade.
Toolkit for MLOps
1. MLflow
2. Kubeflow
3. DVC
MLFlow has pretty much has everything that an ML engineer looks for
1. A dev environment
2. Place to run and track experiemnets
3. Build and run pipelines
1. MLflow is a Python library in itself. Hard-core engineers do not want to work with abstractions. It is impossible for them to `from mlops.sklearn`
Kubeflow focuses on the pipeline orchestration of the ML process. Whereas in data versioning, we focus on individual components that define the pipelines
DVC - Data version control
1. Create a GitHub repo
2. Create assets directory for `data`, `models`, `raw_data`, `features.`
3. `dvc init`
4. `dvc add file/directory`
5. DVC will create a `.dvc` file and a `.gitignore` to ignore specific files\
Experiment tracking and pipelines
Every time you run the DVC pipeline, the model gets versioned along with the data it is trained on.
Deployment on Kubernetes with DVC
1. Add an NFS volume to the pod and mount it to assets
2. Create a docker image with the DVC repo
3. On the init script, do a `dvc pull`
The DVC remote S3/GCS should be accessible by the Kubernetes cluster
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