ORM(Object Relationship Mapping) is a programming construct where the DB tables are treated as objects, and the operations on top of them are carried out via functions.
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ORM in Python
Django, the web framework in Python, has one of the most solid ORMs. For non-Django applications, SQLAlchemy has proved to be effective.
ORM in Flask
Flask doesn't support ORM out of the box, but with the help of flask-sqlalchemy, we can achieve the ORM functionalities.
The above snippet is just a configuration to create a table in DB. You need to use
CRUD Operations
Create a new Item
# creates a Python Object
admin = User(username='admin', email='admin@example.com')
# adds to the db session
# Makes the entry in the DB
# you can do multiple db.session.add before committing
List all items
users = User.query.all()
results = []
for user in users:
"username": user.name,
"email": user.email
Filter Items
users = User.query.filter_by(username='admin').all()
# use the same for loop as above
GET by id
user = User.query.filter_by(id=1).first()
result = {
"name": user.name,
"email": user.email
Selecting Specific Columns
fields = ["book_id", "book_name", "author"]
field_objects = [getattr(Book, "name") for field in fields]
books = Book.query.with_entities(*field_objects).all()