How to Start a Technical Blog?

  1. Pick a platform. It should be the easiet to start. or Hashnode are the best options. Medium is also ok but I will stay away from it for a technical blog. I will tell you why later

  2. Create an account on that platform. It is a good idea to have your own domain mapped to it.

  3. Open any text editor and make a list of all the topic you are comfortable with

  4. Pick one, when did you 1st learn about that topic? write that down

  5. What are the 3 things that you wish someone told you when starting that topic?

  6. There we go! We have 3 sections for your 1st blog

  7. 3 things I wished someone told me when learning ___ - That's your title

  8. For each of the 3 sections write 5 points.

  9. Re-read it, add images illustrations whatever you need to support the content

  10. Hit publish. Don't over think

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