import pymongo# Replace the uri string with your MongoDB deployment's connection string.conn_str = "mongodb://admin:password@"# set a 5-second connection timeoutclient = pymongo.MongoClient(conn_str, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=5000)try: print(client.server_info())except Exception as e: print(e,"Unable to connect to the server.")
Setting up airflow connection
Under Airflow connection create a new Airflow connection with host, password and username
Mongo Hook
from airflow.providers.mongo.hooks.mongo import MongoHookhook = MongoHook(mongo_conn_id='mongo')client = hook.get_conn()try: print(client.server_info())except Exception as e: print(e,"Unable to connect to the server.")
Adding sample data to mongo
docker exec -it <container-id>--/bin/bashmongo -u adminuse notesdb.createCollection("notes")db.notes.insertMany( [ { "note":"Create an identity","_id":1,"archived":false}, { "note":"0.1% increment every day","_id":2,"archived":true}, { "note":"productivity is quality not quantity","_id":3,"archived":true} ])
Setting up s3 localstack
docker run --rm -it -p 4566:4566 localstack/localstack -e SERVICES=s3