Git Rebase

Rebasing is when you move the base of your branch as if it was created from a different commit than the original one

Let's assume two branches

  • main with 123456 current commit ID

  • feature-1 is created from main at commit 123456

Now the base of feature-1 is 123456

As developers starts to push more code to each branches the commits will grow

  • Main (123456) -> (99999) -> (566788) -> (123390)

  • feature-1 (123456) -> (445666) -> (222344)

Now when you do rebase of main from feature-1, the base commit will be moved to main's latest commit, 123390

feature-1 (123390) -> (445666) -> (222344)

Keeping Current Changes When Rebasing

git rebase -X ours upstream

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